What is important for me:

After opening in april 1993 it was my target to make beautiful and good working bespoke shoes. This has changed a lot while politic and economic conditions. We have tried much, till to CAD/CAM manufactured insoles. During advanced training opened some options, which are: - podo orthesiologically (Breukhoven) - podo aetiological (Lydia Aich) This is the best I ever have learned and experienced jet about the themes attitude/statics/biomechanics. Today I can make these available together with my experience as an orthopedic shoemaker master to find out the causes of aching bad attitudes and, with very thin insoles which act all over the body statics to a better life quality. Absolutely used is the consultation about suitable footwear during the wearing of insoles. Right: the target is to get your day well again, without insoles.

about… & vitae

ARTE-Film, über Fascien…. ARTE-Film, über Fascien….
Öffnungszeiten: Montag - Freitag, von 9°°Uhr bis 12°°Uhr und 14°°Uhr bis 16 30 Uhr Donnerstag Nachmittag: Geschlossen Schuh-Werk 2024
Detailed Info´s concerning Insoles, Effects and Proof
Publications: Here some important texts for me, which I have compiled over the years.
What needs the foot from the shoe – soil contact phase my attempt to show colleagues and treaters how important is good footwear for the body or treatment success. And what´s happening if bad shoes work against the organism. Lecture: 2011 in Rummelberg Published: 2012 Newsletter IFPB
HMSU – measuring device for savety manufactureing of insoles. Through the measurement of the head rotation we can find out if a supply with insoles, shoes, glases... and so on, helps the patient, or does work more blocking. Published: Juni 2017, Orthopädieschuhtechnik(OT)
Backround: Geb.: 1962 in München 1979-1982 Trained retail salesman at Alois Dallmayr KG, München 1982-1984 UVS, Vocational diploma 1984-85 Civilservice at Landesschule für Körperbehinderte München 1985-1988 Trainee for Orthopaedic-shoemaker, 1988: Advanced 1993 Orthopaedic-shoemaker-Mastersgrade(OSM) seit 1993 Self-employed OSM in Traunstein 2006-2011 Further Training, Neurophysiologische Sohlen n. Breukhoven® 2014-2019 Further Training, Podoätiologische Einlagen n. Lydia Aich® 2018 Rota®-Therapie, Helper Further Trainings 1986 Reflexzonen am Fuß 1992 Med. Fußpflege 2003 Spiraldynamische Einlagen nach Jurtin 2009 Tuina, Akkupressur 2011 Dorn-Breus-Methode 2012 Die Sprache der Zehen n. I. Somogyi 2013 Anatomy-Trains®, Einführungskurs(Associate) 2020 Kiefer & Co, bei Dr.Dr.dent.A. Bodmann-Peschke, M. Frenzel D.O-(seu) Development 2016 Pre commercial development of HMSU (HeadMountSupportUnit) Measurement technique for the evidence to biomechanical events A digital angle meter(Goniometer) to proof head rotation. Backround: Proof and effect evidence.
Die Verbindungvon Körpersensoren, Füßen und Haltung bringt uns durch den Tag. Die Basis dafür sind unsere Schuhe! & Statik
Schuh-Werk 2024
Öffnungszeiten: Montag - Freitag, von 9°°Uhr bis 12°°Uhr und 14°°Uhr bis 16 30 Uhr Donnerstag Nachmittag: Geschlossen

What is important for me:

After opening in april 1993 it was my target to make beautiful and good working bespoke shoes. This has changed a lot while politic and economic conditions. We have tried much, till to CAD/CAM manufactured insoles. During advanced training opened some options, which are: - podo orthesiologically (Breukhoven) - podo aetiological (Lydia Aich) This is the best I ever have learned and experienced jet about the themes attitude/statics/biomechanics. Today I can make these available together with my experience as an orthopedic shoemaker master to find out the causes of aching bad attitudes and, with very thin insoles which act all over the body statics to a better life quality. Absolutely used is the consultation about suitable footwear during the wearing of insoles. Right: the target is to get your day well again, without insoles.

about… & vitae

& Statik Die Verbindung aus Körpersensoren, Füßen und Haltung bringt uns durch den Tag. Die Basis dazu sind unsere Schuhe!
Publications: Here some important texts for me, which I have compiled over the years.
What needs the foot from the shoe – soil contact phase my attempt to show colleagues and treaters how important is good footwear for the body or treatment success. And what´s happening if bad shoes work against the organism. Lecture: 2011 in Rummelberg Published: 2012 Newsletter IFPB
HMSU – measuring device for savety manufactureing of insoles. Through the measurement of the head rotation we can find out if a supply with insoles, shoes, glases... and so on, helps the patient, or does work more blocking. Published: Juni 2017, Orthopädieschuhtechnik(OT)
ARTE-Film, über Fascien…. ARTE-Film, über Fascien….
Wirklich mal interessant…..
Detailed Info´s concerning Insoles, Effects and Proof
Backround: Geb.: 1962 in München 1979-1982 Trained retail salesman at Alois Dallmayr KG, München 1982-1984 UVS, Vocational diploma 1984-85 Civilservice at Landesschule für Körperbehinderte München 1985-1988 Trainee for Orthopaedic-shoemaker, 1988: Advanced 1993 Orthopaedic-shoemaker-Mastersgrade(OSM) seit 1993 Self-employed OSM in Traunstein 2006-2011 Further Training, Neurophysiologische Sohlen n. Breukhoven® 2014-2019 Further Training, Podoätiologische Einlagen n. Lydia Aich® 2018 Rota®-Therapie, Helper Further Trainings 1986 Reflexzonen am Fuß 1992 Med. Fußpflege 2003 Spiraldynamische Einlagen nach Jurtin 2009 Tuina, Akkupressur 2011 Dorn-Breus-Methode 2012 Die Sprache der Zehen n. I. Somogyi 2013 Anatomy-Trains®, Einführungskurs(Associate) 2020 Kiefer & Co, bei Dr.Dr.dent.A. Bodmann-Peschke, M. Frenzel D.O-(seu) Development: 2016 Pre commercial development of HMSU (HeadMountSupportUnit) Measurement technique for the evidence to biomechanical events A digital angle meter(Goniometer) to proof head rotation. Backround: Proof and effect evidence.