Rota is so ingeniously simple as the effect of my insoles and consequently a good supplement. Here some small text from the Rota – Homepage: What is ROTA-therapy? The Rota-therapy can be applied at people from the age of 0-99. With physical exercices, which includes the rotaion of the spine, and rotation of the body around his own axes, the brain gets stimulated, the body tension to regulate optimally. Tensions will get released, those from early childhood hidden residual reflexes. Impulse for improvement of mouth motor activity and perception support the positive and balancing effect for a good sensimotor development. The work design, scool design and leisure activities will be adjusted, that existing symptoms, failing concentration or impairments improve. In motor and vegetative system: eat, sleep, digestion. The special thing about: In a few appointments becomes a individual exercice program for home learned, also impulse for the mouth. Big kids and adults make the exercises on the floor. Learning leisure activities, work design, good learning conditions and sleep positions. A mother moves a Baby comfortable on her lap. You can learn the daily handling, carry or storage in bed or stroller. In the case of serious illness it offered intensive therapies with several appointments in a short time or home visit. For whom is the ROTA-therapy? Basically ROTA-therapy is for people in every age with reflex or tone stress. For example: - central coordination disorders - premature babies, risk children, crybabies - development delays - genetically (Down-Syndrom…c..) - autism - perception disorders - poor concentration, learning disabitities, AD(H)S - scoliosis, spinal discomfort - hipp dysplasia - innate foot malpositions - neurological illness (Parkinson, MS, Apoplexie) - spastic disability

ROTA-Therapie Rota-Therapeutin, M. Roth
Öffnungszeiten: Montag - Freitag, von 9°°Uhr bis 12°°Uhr und 14°°Uhr bis 16 30 Uhr Donnerstag Nachmittag: Geschlossen Schuh-Werk 2024
Die Verbindungvon Körpersensoren, Füßen und Haltung bringt uns durch den Tag. Die Basis dafür sind unsere Schuhe! & Statik
Rota is so ingeniously simple as the effect of my insoles and consequently a good supplement. Here some small text from the Rota – Homepage: What is ROTA-therapy? The Rota-therapy can be applied at people from the age of 0-99. With physical exercices, which includes the rotaion of the spine, and rotation of the body around his own axes, the brain gets stimulated, the body tension to regulate optimally. Tensions will get released, those from early childhood hidden residual reflexes. Impulse for improvement of mouth motor activity and perception support the positive and balancing effect for a good sensimotor development. The work design, scool design and leisure activities will be adjusted, that existing symptoms, failing concentration or impairments improve. In motor and vegetative system: eat, sleep, digestion. The special thing about: In a few appointments becomes a individual exercice program for home learned, also impulse for the mouth. Big kids and adults make the exercises on the floor. Learning leisure activities, work design, good learning conditions and sleep positions. A mother moves a Baby comfortable on her lap. You can learn the daily handling, carry or storage in bed or stroller. In the case of serious illness it offered intensive therapies with several appointments in a short time or home visit. For whom is the ROTA-therapy? Basically ROTA-therapy is for people in every age with reflex or tone stress. For example: - central coordination disorders - premature babies, risk children, crybabies - development delays - genetically (Down-Syndrom…c..) - autism - perception disorders - poor concentration, learning disabitities, AD(H)S - scoliosis, spinal discomfort - hipp dysplasia - innate foot malpositions - neurological illness (Parkinson, MS, Apoplexie) - spastic disability


Schuh-Werk 2024
Öffnungszeiten: Montag - Freitag, von 9°°Uhr bis 12°°Uhr und 14°°Uhr bis 16 30 Uhr Donnerstag Nachmittag: Geschlossen
& Statik Die Verbindung aus Körpersensoren, Füßen und Haltung bringt uns durch den Tag. Die Basis dazu sind unsere Schuhe! Rota-Therapeutin, M. Roth