Whats behind HMSU?
Since 1993 I´m running myself a store, offering the services in orthopaedic shoemaking.
With skill enhancments since 2006, I recognized the plenty more possibillitys which are able to help people
with static or biomechanical pain.
Here we saw the link between toes and teeth.
I changed abrupt, leaving the old things behind.
The HMSU-developeing is like an enforcement to this. By the way, there are always someone who want
proof and evidence.
So, now first time it´s possible to show whether manipulation under the feet
has effects, and
do they run positiv, or negativ for the biomechanical system.
Tom Myers, Anatomie Trains
Lydia Aich, Ausbildungsunterlagen
Podo-Posturaltherapie, Ina ter Harmsel, Wolfgang P. Schallmey Seite 17ff und 177 ff.
Dr. Arbeit, Katrin Riedlinger: Der Zusammenhang zw. Temporomadibulärer Dysfunktion und Schmerzen
im Bewegungssystem, 2008 (Seite 71/73)
Dr. Wolfgang Laube: Sensomotorisches System, 2009, Verlg Thieme
Dr. Paul Ridder, CMD, 2019, 4.Auflage, Elsevier-Verlag
Judith Weisz, Was ist … Podo-Postural-Therapie? DO - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Osteopathie, Georg Thieme
Verlag KG, Jan 1, 2014
Antje Schramm, Dissertation, TU-München, Lehrstuhl für Bewegungs - und Trainingslehre.
Empirische Untersuchung zur podo-ätiologischen Einflussnahme auf funktionelle Asymmetrien des
menschlichen Körpers (eine Längsschnittuntersuchung bei Frauen und Männern ab dem 51sten
Thanks to:
Although the idea and implementation is made in my thoughts, everyone knows, that projekts like this are
not to stand alone. It needs accompany, a plenty of luck and the right time within the right place to finish.
So, here my thanks to those who gave me a hand and brought me foreward:
My Software engieeners, who told the computers whats expected for going on.
Herrn Franz Ertl, Kreishandwerkerschaft Traunstein, for input and patience with CAD,
Son Simon & Creativ-lab der Hochschule München for prototyps, 3-D-printing.
Fa. Zagler in Traunstein catching diverse equipment.
Prof. Gert-Jan Kleinrensing, Rotterdam, for an initial workshop.
Dieter Panitz for many skeptic and insistic questions, and always an empty ear at the phone.
Lydia Aich, for tests and answers, concerning pathologies and therapies, for tipps and plenty of
“links” , for lots of possible and impossible things.
Dr. rer. nat. Heike Jäger, University of Ulm, FASCIA Research Group, Division of Neurophysiology
Martin Hackenberg, for temperd introduction at the 3D-printer
And last, not least, many thanks to my Wife for lots of patience and keeping the back free.
And thanks to all of you, who allowed me to learn a bit more.
Michael Weiß
Orthopädieschuhmacher Meister