A healthy and pain free body is able to move without
Derivation 1:
Handikaps, blockages and pain restrict normal
movement, no matter which level of the body.
Derivation 2:
Shoes and/or insoles of any kind, have positive or
negative effect to the mobillity of the body.
When „manipulations“ at/under the feet are set, you
can proof changes of static, if they are clearly
masurable in the top-joint(altlas-skull base).
More accurate:
Everything whats „happens“ at/under the feet, actes
through the biomechanical systems(skeleton, joints,
muscles and fascia) from the bottom to the top.
See: Tom Meyr´s Anatomie Trains, et all.
1. Mensuration: barefoot. >>returns the basic value!
2. Mensuration: with insoles, shoes,….
If head-rotation is better than „barefoot“, the
maipulation has authorisation.
If haed-rotation is worse, it can be assumed, that
the placed manipulation causes blockages
For the proof, whether this results could be positive or
negative, you find with HMSU a simple and yet widely
Get the impact of shoes, heel-hights, insoles, ortheses,
portheses, till to sock and stockings for the well being
of your patients/customers.
2018: Impact of insoles with individual sensoric feedback to
the kranio-cervikale mobillity while standing and the
roll motion from feet while walking.
Dietmar Basta, Wolfgang P. Schallmey , Arneborg Ernst
7/2017: Puplication: OT,
Haedrotation as a basis for
measurement, to demonstrate the
effect of insoles.
6/2018: Studie by Sabine Bayr with HMSU support:
More head mobility (lateral rotation)
& muscl relaxation by herbal
Study presentation at the OST Congress2023